Monday, May 15, 2006

September 28, 1973
In which I am judgmental and melodramatic

Drats and double drats. I have a cold and my nose is stuffy and life is simply terrible. I found out some terrible news today. I walked into the attendance office today and saw, on a green piece of paper, a name that I recognized. Linnette W. Reading further I saw that it was a transfer to the Kane Co. Youth Home. My stomach dropped a mile and I felt dizzy. Bob's sister in trouble. What kind of trouble? I found out later when I was on my way home. Bob happened to be walking in front of me, with Mike S. no less, and he started chasing a kid and ended up walking with me. We talked about the weather and all of a sudden, because I wanted to convey my feelings to him I said, "Can I say something personal?" He said I could so I said, "I'm sorry about your sister." He said that it was all right. That she had gotten into some trouble. Then he added that he hated the guy who got her into trouble. Then it struck me in the face. Lynn was pregnant! I never liked her -- but I feel sorry for her parents. Oh well, it is none of my business.

Let's see, yesterday I walked home with Paula M. She is engaged. She is going to be married in August. I hate growing up. Life is so cruel. It makes so many changes.

One change that I will find it hard to accept when it really happens is not having Cindy in school with me next year. She is graduating early -- in August. Oh well, Changing is a part of growing. But why do I feel so empty already? Cindy isn't my only friend. Why? Why? Why Lynn? Why myself? Can I survive?

I don't know if Lynn actually was pregnant. I barely remember her and do not remember this incident. I hate how judgmental I sound though.

I also don't remember Paula M. I'll look her up in the yearbook to see who she was. Maybe I sort of remember her.

Won't dwell on the whole Cindy thing either. It was just one of those cases where I liked her more than she liked me I suppose. She's lucky that she can move on while I'm stupid enough to not only save my journals, but read them and post them online.

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