Saturday, May 13, 2006

August 4, 1973
In which I return to Chetek and am heartless

3:00 am

Well, we've arrived! I'm in my beloved Chetek. Beloved? It is terrible! Mom is crying all over the place and getting mad at everyone. I know it must be hard for her -- but, oh. I don't know.

One other thing -- I suppose it isn't so bad -- but I have to sleep in with Grandma. Kevin had the choice of either sleeping in his sleeping bag or in the bed that I usually sleep in. He chose my bed. I want to keep on writing until she wants to go to bed. How stupid Dona!

The next entry will probably be from the dock tomorrow morning, that is if mother will let me leave. Oh God. I sound so heartless. But I feel different.

My mother's father had just died. It is shocking to read this and think I was that uncaring. I was very selfish.

I think I was afraid to sleep in the bed that my grandfather had been sleeping in before he went to the hospital for the second amputation that killed him.

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