Wednesday, May 17, 2006

November 13, 1973
In which I don't say much


I really have lots to say but I don't feel like it.

Lori's grandmother died today. I could really feel for her. I haven't talked to Jeff since Sunday night. I dread the next time we meet or talk. He is so stupid and immature. Bob is more mature than Jeff is.

I'll have a busy weekend coming up - Friday I am going to the Play. Saturday I might go to House on the Rock, but I doubt it. Saturday evening I am going to Kris C.'s surprise birthday party and Sunday is Grandma's party.

I wish I could figure out what I feel for Dan F. I think I love him.

Kris C. was someone I knew from yearbook staff. She was down to earth and I think probably pretty smart.

The loving Dan F. is news to me. Stay tuned to see how that one turned out.

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