Wednesday, March 02, 2005

April 4, 1973
In which I write about a girl who writes in the kitchen sink


I (pronoun) am (verb) in the middle (preposition) of a very good book. It is called I Capture the Castle. It is a girl writing in her journal about growing up. They are a poor family (I know this is full of bad grammar) and make what they can of their lives. They live in the ruins of an old castle and life becomes quite interesting for them.

I have a great idea for a story! But I'm not telling about it 'til I write it.

I recently purchased I Capture the Castle after seeing the movie. I suspected that I read it at one time, but didn't know I wrote about it. I saw a preview for the movie after seeing another one and thought it looked familiar.

It is a shame I didn't tell about the great idea because it appears it is lost in the fog of memory.

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