Tuesday, February 15, 2005

May 10, 1972
In which Gary looks at me and I see Jeff Smoking

12:55 pm

Wow! Half of Kimball is gone today. Kim and I were the only ones at our lunch table. I wish Gary would please quit looking at me. I don't know if he likes me or not?? Maybe he is just saving me for when he and Pam break-up or something. Or is he searching for something in my face, to tell him something about me. I really think that I don't like him anymore. Well, not in the way that I did at one time.

Jeff is something else. I remember in sixth grade I had the biggest crush on him. Now he makes me sick. He is such a...a...there is no word to describe him. I saw him and this other kid -- Mike Sennet or something smoking! Smoking!?? Why Jeff? Why? I guess I still have some feeling for him even if it's only pity.

Jeff was someone I ended up having a crush on for years. Last I heard of him, he was a thief at Zayre Department Store where I worked. His parents were well off, but for some reason he liked to steal.

Here is a school photograph of Jeff that I must have gotten because I was on the yearbook staff.

I sure had my opinions back then...smoking was one of them. My parents smoked until I was in third grade or so, then both quit. It was not something I ever had any desire to do, but I finally stopped disliking people who did.

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