Tuesday, February 22, 2005

January 31, 1973
In which I give advice


Lori's grandmother has the same thing that Grandma Green and Grandpa Patrick had. A tumor in her rectum. I told lory that she had better pray because it is a very bad thing. She had better hope that the tumor isn't malignant. Grandpa's was and he died. Grandma's was and she survived. Lori doesn't seem too upset about it though. The reality hasn't struck her yet.

I found a saying that I have been thinking about for a while and it helps me when I don't know where to start a theme or when I clean my room:

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
-- Lao - Tse

{I know the well quoted saying, very true, don't you agree?}

I feel embarrassed now the way I told Lori how terrible colon cancer was. I cringe now when I hear people telling others things like this. I suppose I felt that I was the expert on the subject because it had struck two of my grandparents.

The strikeout in the entry may not be exact. The first two words are "and she" but I am only guessing the last was "survived".

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