Thursday, February 24, 2005

February 13, 1973
In which I have nothing to write


I don't know what to write about. I'm not in the writing mood. What did I do this weekend? I answered the phone - that's what I did. We put our car for sale and I think everyone in Elgin called up to ask about it. The person who finally bought it was my eighth grade science teacher's brother. Ick {that's odd, isn't it?}

I went shopping with Lori on Saturday to find a present for Mother. I got her a yoga book and now I found out that she doesn't like yoga anymore. The card I bought for her says Happy Birthday Mom on the outside and inside I couldn't have said much better myself - You are the only person who knows the real me... That is what we talk about after our "fights". She says that she knows the "real me".

My mother and I fought something terrible during my teen years. Part of that was my temper, but another part, I think was the fact that she had little idea of what to do with me. We were probably a lot alike in many ways, both shy for one thing. That was the cause of a few fights - she wanted me to not be like her when I grew up, too shy for my own good. So far my daughter and I get along well, still. We will see.

While I don't remember the car that was sold to the brother of my eighth grade science teacher, I do remember the teacher. His name was Mr. Ludwig and his family went way back in Elgin history. His father was a veterinarian I think It was in Mr. Ludwig's science class that I learned about the birds and the bees. It was all spelled in badly typed purple ink on paper that at first was cool to the touch and smelled of chemicals. Everything was there. I walked out of class deciding I would not marry and have children if that was required.

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