Wednesday, January 31, 2007

September 7, 1974
In which I worry about censorship

2:21 pm

In a letter the other day Jeremy suggested, after we are married, to read each other's journals. I don't know how I like that idea. But I suppose that after we are married we will have no secrets from each other. Not that I have any from him now, but what if someday I do? I won't even be able to write it down. I feel now that I must censor what I write. I'm still not going to worry about spelling things wrong.

I talked to Sue this morning. She is going to ruin what she made, I'm afraid. She wants Drooper to stay with her but it can only be for two or three weeks. That means that Jeremy can only stay for that long. She says that we will end up hating each other (Jeremy and I). That's not true. I will never hate him. I don't think I could hate him if he turned Communist. I am really in love with him. Real love - not Lust like Mr. Ismail says.

I kind of remember Jeremy suggesting this. I don't remember my reaction, but apparently I was against it, and with good reason. Of course, I am posting my journal online for the world to see, but still...

How funny that I thought the worst thing someone could become was a Communist. How I've changed. Now I think I'd switch that word to Republican.

I have no idea who Drooper was - probably a British guy that Sue fancied. He didn't come to the States the next summer when Jeremy did.

Mr Ismail was my high school psychology teacher and he challenged us to define love. He countered each definition we gave with, "That's Lust, not love". He defined it as wanting to spend 95% of your free time with the object of your desire. I think he was nuts.

1 comment:

Indigo Bunting said...

Agreed. I think he was nuts. And why does the psych teacher get to be right about what love is, anyway?