Saturday, January 13, 2007

May 24, 1974
In which I have room for no more wishes


I really ought to keep up more in my journal. Happy little things happen throughout each day that I will forget if I don't write them down. Sue really looked nice today. I bought a cute outfit yesterday. Only eight days of school left. next Wednesday is Prom. I really don't want to go at all, but I must. I guess I will be wearing my tan shoes, maybe not. I wish I knew someone with the same size feet myself. Kay B. does. I love John Denver's music. 27 days before I leave for England! I am still wondering about Jez. Do I love him? Tomorrow is my jewelry party. I don't really especially want to have it but I have to now. I wish, I wish, What do I wish? No more room for dreams to come true. My calendar is completely filled. Jez is really something. Really something. Will I marry him? Would I say "yes" if he asked me? I don't know. I have so much to do and no time to do it in. I would like to write to Jez but I haven't anything to say anymore. I love to get his letters. I should write to Vilma.

Looking back she saw that it was quite sudden. She only knew him for four days. How can you love someone you've known for that short time? they asked. But strangely she knew. She could. Although she asked herself a hundred times each day! Do I love him? She knew each time she did. It wasn't because he was from England, or that he kissed her. But something else. An attraction. A magnetic force pulling their souls together. Yes she loved him. But did he love her? With each of his letters she grew more certain of his love for her.

How did it all begin? When did we really begin to love each other? Was it at The Sting?

I don't remember this angst at all. It seemed to me that I took the "love" at face value. Jeremy was my first real boyfriend. I find it interesting that I was so unsure. I'm also surprised I was still writing to Vilma.

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