Thursday, February 17, 2005

June 18, 1972
In which I am sullen and resolve to bear (not to be confused to bare) it all

I haven't written in a week because I haven't had anything to write. Nothing has happened except four trees were uprooted by a tornadoish wind.

Jack and Ginny came up today. They brought a letter from Sally. Sally didn't say anything about Gary, and it's just as well she didn't. I don't think I am going to write him like I thought I would. It just wouldn't be right -- would it?

The weather has been rotten, I have been feeling rotten -- now with Ginny and Jack here, I really feel rotten -- why I don't know -- but I do. Probably cos I feel so ugly. I want to go home. -- I miss everyone, especially Cindy. I have to go in now because Grandma and Ginny are coming.

Ginny just said, "Writing again?" and I closed this. Then she said, "oh her diary." She doesn't have to make something out of it. Maybe if I just act like Miss Dove and bear along with everything. I hope so. Keep smiling and keep your head up Dona!

Jack and Ginny are my aunt and uncle. Ginny is my mom's youngest sister and my most favorite of all my aunts. When I was upset with my mom I used to pretend that Ginny was really my mother but had to give me up for adoption. That would have been pretty difficult since Ginny was only 11 when I was born, but I still liked that fantasy. I do remember writing the bit about Jack and Ginny arriving and being annoyed that Ginny made the comments about my journal writing. I figure it was just me beeing a sullen teenager, nothing personal towards my aunt.

I must have either read the book or seen the movie, Good Morning, Miss Dove, which I barely remember now, but a quick Internet search tells me is about a beloved but strict teacher who is so devoted to her students she works dispite being in pain until she finally asks a student to get a doctor. She dies at the end, I think, but her students all come to school and wave at her outside her hospital room window. It is a real tear-jerker I believe.

And yes, I realize that the sentence about Miss Dove in my journal was a fragment. :-)

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