Thursday, February 24, 2005

February 9, 1973
In which I analyze my grades


Anyway, to make a long story short, I cried all the way home. When I reached my house I put some water on to boil for tea and called Cindy to apologize for acting like a complete fool. {kind gesture}

What was wrong with me last semester? Of course in English I did all right - but in Spanish I dropped to a B (B, A, B, B-). I received a B in Gym - I really should have studied for the driver's ed tests more. I don't think Speedreading was my fault, I just can't speedread (besides I never got along with Dear Mr. Schuster). I received a B in there (B, A, B-). I received an A in geometry (A, A, A, A-) which is surprising considering I got three B's and a C in algebra last year. In biology I should have studied more. (A, B, B B-). {Your grades sound really admirable to me.}
I didn't remember how grade conscious I was until I read this. I wonder if my kids are the same. They don't obsess on it, but perhaps I didn't with my parents either. These grades would be considered bad today, I think. They are close to what my children get though, so maybe not so bad. Last night I was told that someone's son was being interviewed by a college he wanted to go to and they saw a C on his transcript and said, something like, "I see you got a C in (whatever subject it was) in your (whatever year ti was), so why am I talking to you?"

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