Thursday, February 24, 2005

February 14, 1973
In which I don't want to wear boots


I'm mad. I am honestly a lunatic. I can not believe what happened today. I'm crazy. I really think I need psychiatric help. Why I am writing this because when I read this over I will remember better (worse).
It was all about wearing boots. I hate to wear boots. I had a fit. I'm crazy. I told my parents I hated them. I'm crazy. I wish I was dead. {I don't believe you. I think you are really happy to be alive}

I think I may remember this incident. I think it must have snowed and my mom or dad insisted I wear boots to school, something I obviously didn't want to do. I remember being furious and running away from my father who hit me (probably for saying I hate you to him and my mom) and I hit him back. This may have been a different time, but I suspect it was this time.

My son has left the house furious with me or my husband. I wonder how he feels after - does he feel like he is crazy and wishes he were dead? I imagine he feels similar feelings, even though he hides it under anger.

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