Sunday, January 13, 2008

December 31, 1975 In which I bid adieu to 1975

10:49 pm

An hour and 11 minutes 'til 1976. Another sad New Year's Eve. 1975 was a good year as years go. I've got that funny feeling in the pit of my stomach, like I'm saying goodbye to an old and dear friend soon.

I'll bet that if I read every New Year's eve entry they all sound like this one.

  • January 1975 - Learned that Jeremy was coming for sure
  • February - [something scribbled out] Started watching Monty Python
  • March - Sent Jeremy "Wolf" pendant
  • April - Big snow
  • May -
  • June - Graduation
  • July - Jeremy / Minocqua
  • August - 19 / College / Phone call Jez, Cindy
  • September -
  • October - Work
  • November -
  • December - Phone call from Jeremy
I guess this wasn't the most busy year, but it was OK. Nothing really terrible happened to me. This Holiday Season was for the birds though. I had my first "holiday blues year". I hope I don't have any other. Although it was mild, Christmas didn't thrill me so much -- I guess my problems at school as well as work didn't help much. For anyone reading this in the future :-) I'd like to resolve my hatred for Mr. Lehr. He was a pretty good guy after all -- actually I don't really think I deserved what I got - a "B". I more like deserved a "D". D for Dumb. The other grades surprised me too. 3 "A"s and a "C". I guess I'm not doing so bad after all. Maybe next semester I'll make the Dean's list.

I wonder if I can write enough to fill up the next page. Probably not.

I wish I wasn't tired always. In 50 minutes I shall say goodbye to 1975. I'd better write to my love.

I'm back. I've just remembered what else I can write about - my resolutions.

  1. Get up early (no more than 8 hours sleep!)
  2. Study well in school.
  3. Don't procrastinate
  4. Try not to waste time
  5. Be more friendly
  6. Don't be bitcy to Jeremy
  7. Keep up on letter writing
  8. Keep up on journal writing
  9. Always do something worthwhile
  10. Keep track of every penny spent and don't spend foolishly
  11. Cut down on meat if not altogether
  12. Pick up after myself
  13. Take care of my things better (teeth, contacts, room, cat, hair, nails etc)
Well that just about covers it -- Just try to be my ideal person I guess. Now I think I can do my artwork on the back.

Goodbye 1975! I'll miss ya!

Welcome 1976 -- Hope we will get along, we've got 366 days to go!

[back of last page in book written in magic markers and every which way]

1975 Memories

"Monty Python"
"Masterpiece Theatre"
19 years old
Narcissus & Goldmund
Watership Down (1/2)
Late nights <---- clothes pin people ------->
Mr Lehr :-)
Catching Bouquets

I've never much liked New Year's eves. They've always felt more sad than hopeful to me.
Those resolutions look a lot like the ones I try to keep every year. Not much changes in 30-something years, I guess.

Mr Lehr was my American History instructor at the community college. He had the audacity to expect us to study. I didn't and got a few Fs on quizzes. I finally figured it out and began studying.

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