Wednesday, March 02, 2005

February 23, 1973
In which I think about friendships

Yes, I do treasure friendships. I suppose it is because there was a period in my life when I would sit in the house with nothing to do, all by myself, with my mother badgering me to go and see if Lori or Colleen could play. What a fool -- I thought. I haven't seen Lori or Colleen for a year - they probably have forgotten about me by now.

Now that I do have friends and do things more and am less shy I understand why my mother wanted me to have fun. I always thought that I was happier by myself.

Lori and Colleen both attended Catholic school and lived one block west of me. There was an easy cut through alleyway so it was no hardship walking to their houses, but because we didn't go to the same schools I didn't have a lot in common with them (although Lori and I shared a birthday - same year and day). My mother was friends with both Lori and Colleen's mothers. She still sees Lori's mother on occasion, and my brother and Lori's brother, Phillip were best friends and still remain in touch.

I remember wanting to be alone. I probably would have liked to hang out with friends, but I was very shy and just didn't know how to go about making or keeping friends.

I am pretty much back to that now. I spend entire days alone and don't see friends for weeks. But it is different now, I am the mother and I socialize with the parents of my kids or the friends of my husband. It seems less important to me now, to have a best friend, although I do wish I had a confidant sometimes.

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