Wednesday, March 02, 2005

April 9, 1973
In which I discuss prejudices


I'm sick! I was in my bed all day Saturday and 'til noon Sunday. When I got up my aunt and uncle came over when mom and dad weren't home and I had to entertain them for an hour and a half. Boring!

6:10 pm

I was just thinking about all of the things I leave out of this Journal that I wrote other times. Maybe I don't especially like people to read it so much anymore! The only person who does read it is Miss Sliger - but still - maybe I ought to keep one other one just for me??? I guess L. W. says, (not real initials) that I will need to convey my thoughts to me, myself and I this summer.

A lot of people must think I am much different than I really am. I don't like anyone to get the wrong idea of me. This sounds silly - but I have classed all people who wear their coats around school as being cheap and that they probably smoke (I have this thing about smoking, I cease to associate with people who smoke, I hate the thought so much). Well, I have worn my coat around school and since I have this stupid feeling about people always watching what Miss Dona Patrick does and that everyone feels the way I do about coats they think I am icky and everything.

I really should be downstairs helping mom get dinner ready but I feel sick. I can tell what it will be like when I do decide to...

I don't have to make any decision. I was just called to eat ---

My, do I love to write!!!

I am assuming I took the day off due to being sick.

In learning how to use a journal in teaching writing skills one technique for kids to keep certain entries private was for them to fold the ones over that they didn't want the teachers reading. That might be akin to the privacy options on some blogs these days (not this one however).

I remember the coat I probably wore around school. It was a red ski jacket. I still have that feeling about the students that wore their coats all day. They also probably had dark roots growing out and wore a lot of make-up.

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